We guarantee the lowest prices on the highest-quality wines

We’ll match the price if you buy wine from VinoSelect and then find the identical wine for less at select online competitors. Price matches may be requested at time of purchase.

We guarantee the lowest prices on the highest-quality wines

We’ll match the price if you buy wine from VinoSelect and then find the identical wine for less at select online competitors. Price matches may be requested at time of purchase.

Price Match Guarantee

If you find a current lower price at the time of purchase, submit proof below and we will adjust your payment to the lower price upon request.

Guidelines and limitations:

The wine must be the identical name, pack size, tax status, and quantity. It must be in stock and available for delivery to the UK at the time of the price match.

Price matches are limited to wines sold and fulfilled by the select online competitors.

The actual price of the wine must be identifiable and valid at the time of match. VinoSelect reserves the right to verify a competitor’s advertised price and the availability of the wine.

Please submit the entire printed ad, the online price or digital version of ad for proof of price. Original receipts or packing slips may be requested for price adjustments after purchase. 

No rainchecks will be issued for wines out of stock at VinoSelect. We do not price match competitors if their wine is out of stock.

Limit of one price match per identical item per guest for online competitor matches.

Guidelines and limitations:

Pricing or typographical errors, limited time or quantity offers, daily deals, coupon offers, credit card offers, gift card offers, sales tax promotions, free items, rebates or mail-in offers.

Prices from non-select online competitors will not be honored.

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